The natural casing - its history and its use
More than 5,000 years ago, natural casings were used in the form of bow strings, strings for musical instruments and even as swimming aids. Today still sheep casings are used for the covering of tennis rackets and musical instruments. Natural casings were also used as grouting agents. About 2,000 years ago, the natural casings were first used as sausage casings. The natural intestine experienced a real upswing in the Middle Ages, when monasteries filled the meat into various intestines in order to survive the winter time or sieges. Most Wurstrezepte are based on this time. Today, the natural gut, through its naturalness and sustainability, regains popularity. Due to its air permeability, the natural gut is unrivaled in taste and its natural crack is irreplaceable. If you want a good quality for your sausage, you can not avoid the natural gut.